LASUED, Noforija-Epe Campus Shower Vice-Chancellor with Birthday Love.

In a jubilant display of admiration and camaraderie, reports that the vibrant community at Lagos State University of Education, LASUED, Noforija, Epe Campus, celebrated the birthday of their esteemed Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bilikisu Lafiaji-Okuneye, on Friday, February 2nd, 2024. The virtual airwaves of various WhatsApp platforms were met with a cascade of warm wishes from members of staff, marking a day of heartfelt tributes and jubilation.

Professor Bilikisu Lafiaji-Okuneye

Leading the charge was Dr. Olumuyiwa Viatonu, the Head of the Campus of Noforija, Epe, who toasted the Vice-Chancellor as “an amiable, ebullient, indefatigable, caring, and welfare-oriented leader, a numero uno, a primus inter pares. Receive more grace and divine wisdom to navigate your new age. Happy birthday from all of us on the Epe campus.”

The Executives of LASUED, Senior Staff Club, joined in with a special birthday toast expressing gratitude for God’s faithfulness and benevolence and extending wishes for a life filled with long-lasting health, greater accomplishments, and fulfilment of divine purpose.

Notable among the flood of congratulatory messages were Mr. Jegede Adepitan’s heartwarming sentiment, acknowledging the mystery of the Vice-Chancellor’s birth and wishing her abundant wisdom, health, wealth, and pleasant surprises. “My wonderful VC, Prof. Biilikis Bidemi Lafiaji-OKunneye, your birth was a mystery, and so is the life you live. May the Lord bless your new age with wisdom, health, wealth, and lots of pleasant surprises in Jesus’ mighty name. Congratulations, best wishes, and happy natal day celebration, Ma,” he stated.

Also, Dr. Mrs. Osisami, representing the Department of Educational Management, invoked divine blessings. “To a woman of honour, I say happy birthday on behalf of members of the Department of Educational Management. May the face of God shine brighter on you, and may His everlasting hands be on you for good. You will never know a better yesterday,” she wrote.

In addition, Mr. Ezekiel, an academic staff member, celebrated the Vice-Chancellor’s kindness, expressing joy and admiration. “Happy birthday to a woman for her humanness. You have brought joy and happiness to many, just as the day of your birth was that of joy. Today, your admirers are celebrating you. Everyone celebrates a kind woman who is synonymous with good things in life. Madam, enjoy yourself graciously. Congratulations,” he wrote.

As the LASUED Epe Campus basked in the spirit of celebration, Professor Bilikisu Lafiaji-Okuneye was showered with love and well-wishes, creating an unforgettable birthday fiesta that transcended the virtual boundaries. The joyous occasion showcased the tight-knit university community’s unity and appreciation for their esteemed leader, setting the tone for a year ahead filled with accomplishments and joy.


Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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