Rep. Wale Raji Celebrates the Birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Calls for Unity and Fairness in Nation-Building.

As the Muslim community across Nigeria and the world celebrates the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), reports that Rep. Wale Raji, the honorable member representing Epe Federal Constituency at the House of Representatives, has used the occasion to advocate for fairness, justice, and the equitable distribution of Nigeria’s democratic dividends.

In a message to his constituents, Rep. Raji emphasized the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a guiding light for building a fair and just society. He praised the Prophet’s commitment to equity, honesty, and compassion, stating that these values are central to the nation’s ongoing journey towards socioeconomic recovery and stability.

Rep. Wale Raji,Epe Federal Constituency

“On this blessed day, as we reflect on the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), we are reminded of the importance of fairness in governance and the duty of leaders to ensure justice for all. The Prophet’s life is a testament to the power of unity, fairness, and the protection of the vulnerable. These values should remain the foundation upon which we build a stronger and more prosperous Nigeria,” Rep. Raji said.

Addressing the current economic realities facing the nation, he acknowledged the difficulties brought about by recent reforms but expressed optimism that Nigeria is on the path to recovery. “We understand that the country is facing harsh but necessary socioeconomic changes, and while this period may be challenging, it is also a teething phase as we lay the groundwork for a more equitable and prosperous future for all Nigerians,” he added.

Rep. Raji reassured his constituents that Epe Federal Constituency will continue to receive its fair share of developmental projects. He highlighted ongoing initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure, education, and healthcare, underscoring his commitment to ensuring that the dividends of democracy reach every corner of the constituency.

“Our work is far from over, but together, with the spirit of unity and fairness that the Prophet embodied, we will rise above these challenges and create a Nigeria where every citizen has a fair shot at success,” Rep. Raji concluded.

As the nation progress, Rep. Wale Raji’s message of hope, inspired by the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), serves as a beacon of optimism and a call for leaders and citizens alike to work together in the pursuit of justice, equity, and national progress.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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