Olu-Epe of Epe Kingdom Hosts Niqobatu-l-Markaziyyeen Group’s Insightful Ramadan Lecture on Leadership and Service.

In a profound display of spiritual leadership and community engagement, kakalistiq.com reports that HRM Oba Dr. Shefiu Adewale, Bamgbopa Eshilokun I, the revered Olu-Epe of Epe Kingdom, seized the opportunity presented by the holy month of Ramadan to convene a thought-provoking lecture on leadership and service.

HRM Oba Dr. Shefiu Adewale 

The event, which took place on Saturday, March 23rd, 2024, gathered family, friends, and well-wishers at the Ramadan lecture hosted by members of the Niqobatu-l-Markaziyyeen, Epe Branch, themed “Leadership in Islam: A Call to Serve or a Call to Rule.”

With Olori Aribike Adewale in attendance, several notable Islamic scholars graced the lecture, including Sheikh Abdul Hafeez O. Edu (Chairman), Sheikh Mudathir A. Alabidun, Sheikh Abdul Hafeez Edu (Wazeer), Ustadh Abdul Rasak Muritado (Lape), Ustadh Idris Abdus Salaam (Al Imam), Ustadh Shafi’iy Muh-Thanni Balogun, Ustadh Musa Alabidun, and Ustadh AbdulQuadri Kunmuyan.

In his goodwill message, Oba Adewale commended the Muslim faithful for their resilience and charitable acts during Ramadan, extending prayers for Epe Local Government’s progress, growth, and protection. His words resonated with hope and unity, as he expressed gratitude for the town’s collective efforts and emphasized the importance of community solidarity during the fasting period.

“May God Almighty be with us as Epe town continues to progress and flourish by His grace. May calamities steer clear of our beloved town. I extend greetings to everyone—young and old, men and women—for their resilience and patience during fasting, and I commend their acts of charity. I pray that we all witness another wonderful Ramadan, just as we have experienced this year,” he fervently prayed.

Fadeelatul Sheikh Alhaji Abdus-Sobur Balogun

The event’s highlight was an insightful lecture delivered by esteemed Islamic scholar Fadeelatul Sheikh Alhaji Abdus-Sobur Balogun. Sheikh Balogun delved into the nuanced distinctions between a leader and a ruler, drawing parallels from the holy Quran and contemporary Nigerian politics. He praised Oba Adewale as a true embodiment of Muslim leadership, whose humility and service-oriented approach set a commendable example for others.

One of the focal points of Sheikh Balogun’s lecture was a commendation for Governor Babajide Olushola Sanwoolu’s strategic food palliative program, particularly highlighting the establishment of subsidized Sunday markets across Lagos State. He lauded this approach as more inclusive and effective than centralized distribution points, emphasizing the importance of accessibility and community engagement in governance.

Furthermore, Sheikh Balogun admonished aspiring leaders to prioritize developmental agendas and seek the consent and support of the people they aim to serve, citing teachings from Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and historical examples like Umar bn al-Khattab’s consultation with his people in matters of governance. He underscored the essence of service-oriented leadership and the inherent responsibility to prioritize the welfare and needs of the community.

Barrister Qudus Balogun, the Ramadan Lecture Committee Chairman, also praised Oba Adewale’s exemplary leadership qualities, highlighting the monarch’s selfless and humble lifestyle. He applauded the monarch’s dedication to community development, citing instances where Oba Adewale prioritized infrastructure projects over personal luxuries, epitomizing the virtues of servant leadership.

The event concluded with solemn prayers for the monarch’s family, Epe town, Lagos State, and the nation as a whole, encapsulating the spirit of unity, service, and communal well-being fostered by the insightful Ramadan lecture.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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