“Advocacy for Boy Child Essential, Not a Sign of Weakness” – OJ Falana, Rahmon Saheed.

The advocacy for the boy child took centre stage during the International Day of the Boy Child celebration on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Kakalistiq.com reports that Mr. Jamiu Falana, a Permanent Board Member of the Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board (LASUBEB), and Ambassador Saheed Rahmon, Project Lead of Epe Boys Safe Space, passionately supported the cause, emphasizing its importance for building a better society.

Mr. Owolabi Jamiu Falana

In an interview on the sidelines of the event, which was themed “Eyin Ni Di Akuko,” Mr Falana, who also served as the keynote speaker, highlighted the significance of advocating for boys, challenging the stereotype that such efforts signify weakness.

Mr. Owolabi Jamiu Falana and Ambassador Saheed Rahmon 

“I think we are moving past that. Look at WAEC, and JAMB results and top echelons of banks in the country, most of them are women. Of the top five banks in Nigeria today, four MDs and CEOs are female. People are now embracing the female gender to excel in life. So, if we are having an advocacy for men now, I am sure the women will not see it as discriminatory because, when we look at our society today, women are doing just fine,” he remarked.

Hon. Hamruf Odunare and Mr. Owolabi Jamiu Falana

Falana pointed out that Nigerian society has evolved, with women taking on top positions in various sectors, including the banking industry. He stressed that advocating for boys is a step toward achieving gender balance and ensuring that both genders have equal opportunities to thrive.

Ambassador Saheed Rahmon, Epe Boys Safe Space Project Lead.

Echoing the sentiment of other youth leaders, Ambassador Saheed Rahmon, sharing his insights, revealed the inspiration behind the program. He expressed concern over the challenges faced by boys, including cultism, thuggery, and street begging, which he had observed in various neighbourhoods in Epe. Rahman emphasized that the boy child must be properly shaped and nurtured to ensure the safety and protection of the female gender.

“Advocating for boys’ mental health and welfare does not mean that we are weak. It only shows that men need support, and it only shows that if we take care of these men, women can be more protected. As we said in the Boys Safe Space discussion, we must protect women. They are fragile. So, we must continue to protect and care for them. This is because we understand that women are victims of some of these social menaces.”

“However, men are the perpetrators of all of these, according to society, and rather than saving the bag of rice from the rat, why not talk to the rat to stop eating from the rice bag? By reorienting the boys, by educating them, and by encouraging them to be responsible members of society as brothers, uncles, and fathers of tomorrow, the menace can be curbed,” he stated.

Both leaders underscored that addressing the needs and challenges of the boy child is crucial for creating a balanced and safe society for everyone. Their advocacy aims to transform the lives of boys, making them responsible and supportive members of their communities.


Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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