Inspiring Academic Excellence in Epe Division: Top LASU Graduate Hails EPWA, Shares Success Story. reports that Miss Saula Taiwo Adijat, the first recipient of the Epe-Division Professional Women Association’s (EPWA) award for the best female graduating student from the Epe Division, has commended the association’s dedication to promoting academic excellence amidst the challenges posed by societal pressures.

Miss Saula Taiwo Adijat

Sharing her academic success story in an exclusive interview, Taiwo, a biochemistry student from the Faculty of Science at Lagos State University (LASU), revealed that she graduated with First Class Honors, boasting a 4.78 CGPA, against the odds.

Sharing her journey to academic success, Taiwo attributed her achievements to a combination of dedication, hard work, and a supportive environment. “When I entered university, I set a goal to graduate with a first-class degree. I wrote down my target scores for each course and created a study timetable, which I followed diligently,” she explained.


She recounted the initial scepticism from her roommate but remained undeterred. “I told myself, ‘Once you dream it and believe in your dream, you can achieve it.’ My perfect 5.0 GPA in my first semester proved that,” she said, adding that teaching others and seeking help from knowledgeable peers and lecturers also played crucial roles in her success.

Balancing academics with extracurricular activities was another key aspect of Taiwo’s journey. “I prioritized my studies over social activities, and although there were setbacks, I learned from my mistakes and moved forward,” she shared. Taiwo also credited her supportive family and friends for their encouragement during challenging times.

Taiwo emphasized the importance of recognizing academic achievements. “Celebrating academic excellence in a world that often values quick wealth over education promotes a culture of learning and perseverance,” she remarked. “It shows young people that dedication and hard work can lead to significant personal and professional rewards.”

She also highlighted the positive impact such recognition can have on young girls, urging for more sustainable efforts like mentorship, scholarships, workshops, and career guidance to further support academic aspirations. “This award is tangible proof that academic excellence is valuable and can open numerous opportunities,” she noted.

Expressing her gratitude to EPWA, Taiwo stated, “I want to thank the Epe Professional Women’s Association for recognizing my academic achievements and fostering excellence among young women in the Epe division. Your support and celebration of my success inspire many other young girls to pursue their academic goals with passion and determination.”

EPWA President, Mrs. Opeoluwa Balogun, highlighted the association’s commitment to mentoring and nurturing girls from the division. To further support academic excellence, EPWA has established a 500,000 naira endowment fund to reward the best female students from the Epe Division at LASU for the next five years.

Through initiatives like these, EPWA continues to pave the way for a brighter future for the Epe Division, encouraging young women to strive for academic excellence and personal growth.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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