NUDGOSA 2023 Convention: Alumni Reaffirms Commitment to Nawair Ud Deen Grammar School’s Development

Prof. O. S. Banjo Highlights the crucial role of Alumni Associations in Educational Advancement

In a resounding affirmation of their dedication to the development of Nawair Ud Deen Grammar School, reports that the Old Students Association (NUDGOSA) held its 2023 national convention in Abeokuta. The convention featured Prof. O. S. Banjo, Vice-Chancellor of Tai Solarin University of Education, as the guest lecturer, passionately emphasizing the pivotal role of alumni associations in advancing educational institutions.

Prof. Banjo delivered an impassioned speech, stressing the vital need for continuous support and nurturing of educational institutions. He highlighted alumni associations as crucial pillars supporting schools, advocating for their ongoing engagement in uplifting their alma mater.

“Alumni associations are the lifelines that breathe vitality into educational institutions,” stated Prof. Banjo. He outlined various ways in which alumni associations can make substantial contributions, including fostering togetherness, serving as ambassadors, providing support systems, and offering expertise.

The importance of alumni networks in aiding current students was a focal point, with Prof. Banjo citing how alumni support enhances employability through mentorship, scholarships, and career guidance. He underscored areas where alumni can contribute, such as infrastructural development, the provision of essential tools, support for teachers and administrators, and crucial funding initiatives.

“Old students’ associations are not merely nostalgic gatherings; they are powerhouses capable of revitalizing and projecting their alma mater to greater heights,” affirmed Prof. Banjo. He highlighted reciprocal benefits for alumni members, including inspiration, financial support avenues, and opportunities for personal growth and networking.

In his closing remarks, Prof. Banjo passionately recommended active participation in alumni associations, urging former students to engage and assist one another for mutual growth.

The convention witnessed enthusiastic responses from attendees, with renewed pledges to actively engage in the betterment of Nawair Ud Deen Grammar School. Alumni members expressed their commitment to leveraging collective strength and resources for the continuous development of their beloved institution.

The convention concluded with a resounding call to action, echoing Prof. Banjo’s sentiments on the pivotal role of alumni associations in shaping educational excellence and fostering a robust network of support for present and future generations.

The Nawair Ud Deen Grammar School Old Students Association convention served as an inspiring platform, igniting a fervor among alumni to unite and contribute meaningfully to the advancement of their alma mater, reaffirming their unwavering commitment to educational development.


Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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