Solar Street Lights Illuminates Adenuga Street, Ajagannabe Courtesy of Hon. Mustain Abiodun Tobun.

In a significant stride towards enhancing the quality of life for residents of Adenuga Street, Ajagannabe, reports that solar street lights have been installed to illuminate the neighborhood, thanks to the generous donation by Hon. Mustain Abiodun Tobun, the Lagos State House of Assembly member representing Epe Constituency I.

Hon. Mustain Abiodun Tobun

The installation of these solar streetlights on Thursday, October 27, 2023, is a welcome development for the residents, who have long grappled with inadequate illumination, which often poses safety concerns. The project is not only seen as a remarkable improvement in the community’s infrastructure but also as a testament to Hon. Mustain Abiodun Tobun’s commitment to addressing the needs of his constituents.

Residents of Adenuga Street expressed their joy and appreciation for the newly installed street lights. Mrs. Jumoke, a resident, said, “This is a great relief for us. For years, we’ve lived with the fear of walking in the dark. Hon. Tobun has given us a safer and brighter environment. We are truly grateful.”

Furthermore, political followers and supporters of Hon. Mustain Abiodun Tobun have lauded this initiative, emphasizing the positive impact it will have on the lives of the residents. They believe that this action showcases Tobun’s dedication to community development and public service.

Mr. Smart, a staunch political supporter of Hon. Tobun, commended the effort, saying, “This is precisely the kind of representation we need. Hon. Tobun has consistently demonstrated his commitment to the welfare of the people of Epe Constituency I. The installation of solar street lights on Adenuga Street is another testament to his exemplary leadership.”

In addition to illuminating the streets, the solar-powered lights also represent an eco-friendly approach to addressing the community’s needs. They will contribute to energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact while providing an enhanced sense of security for the residents.

The installation of the solar street lights on Adenuga Street, Ajagannabe, not only illuminates the pathway for residents but also illuminates the remarkable dedication of Hon. Mustain Abiodun Tobun to improving the lives of those he represents. This initiative is a glowing example of the positive changes that can be achieved when leaders are attuned to the needs of their constituents.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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