SLG Warm Hearts, Initiates Vital Healthcare Renovation Project in Igbodu, Epe Division.

In a move that underscores his unwavering commitment to the welfare of his constituents, Hon. Temitope Oduntan, the Secretary to the Local Government (SLG) in Ikosi-Ejinrin Local Council Development Area, has officially commenced the renovation of the old Igbodu Primary Health Center (PHC) situated in the Epe Division of Lagos State. This significant endeavor aims to address the healthcare challenges faced by the residents of Igbodu, Shala, Molajoye, and neighboring communities who have long grappled with limited access to essential healthcare services.

Hon. Temitope Oduntan, Ikkosi-Ejinrin LCDA SLG.

Speaking passionately to about the project, Hon. Oduntan emphasized the critical need for the PHC, driven by the hardships endured by the local populace in their quest for basic healthcare. Notably, the project is a testament to his personal commitment, as he has single-handedly funded the construction of the facility, with a promise to deliver it within the next two months.

The Old Igbodu PHC.

“This comprehensive approach aims to enhance the healthcare experience for patients by providing accessible and affordable facilities, thereby positively impacting the well-being of Molajoye, Shala, and Igbodu residents. For far too long, these communities have had to journey outside their locale to seek medical attention, a situation that is deemed untenable. I want to assure the community that the refurbished healthcare center would not only offer first aid and wound care but also vital antenatal and delivery services,” he said.


While acknowledging the efforts of previous administrations in the state, Hon. Oduntan underscored the imperative to fill the lingering gap in basic healthcare access, particularly in rural communities. As construction work advances on the over-70-year-old dilapidated structure, he expressed optimism that the project would be completed in a few weeks, at which point it would be handed over to the government. He urged residents to cherish and maintain the facility diligently, ensuring it serves as a beacon of improved healthcare for generations to come.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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