Prince Tomiwa Odutuga Set to Illuminate Odoragushin Kingdom with Transformer Donation reports that Prince Tomiwa Adenola Odutuga, a prominent figure in Odoragushin Kingdom and a candidate aspiring to hold the revered position of Obaship, has made a significant contribution to enhancing the power supply in the area.

In a remarkable act of community empowerment and illumination to enhance the well-being of the residents, he generously donated two brand-new 500 kVA transformers to Odoragushin Kingdom, situated within the Eredo Local Council Development Area of Lagos State, on Friday 8th September 2023.

Prince Adenola Odutuga (on white cap) discussing with a stakeholder during the presentation.

Prince Odutuga’s benevolent gesture comes as a beacon of hope for Odoragushin’s residents, who have endured a prolonged period of inadequate access to electricity due to faulty transformers. During the formal presentation of the transformers to the community, Prince Tomiwa Odutuga expressed his deep commitment to the welfare of his people.

He shared his motivation for this act of philanthropy, stating, “Witnessing my community in darkness for an extended period due to faulty transformers saddened me deeply. I decided to take the initiative and contribute in my capacity to bring light and hope to my people. This is just the beginning, and I hope to do more in the near future, as guided by divine providence.”

One of the transformers is being delivered in the community.

The community’s response to Prince Odutuga’s generosity has been overwhelming. Mrs. Olusola Ladega, the Iyalode of Odoragushin Kingdom, expressed heartfelt appreciation for his remarkable contribution, emphasizing the profound impact it will have on the community. She lauded Prince Odutuga for his dedication to uplifting Odoragushin and for his continuous support.

Mr. Hammed Odutayo, the Youth President of Odoragushin, echoed these sentiments, highlighting Prince Odutuga’s consistent efforts in empowering the community’s youth through various programs. He commended the donation of the new transformers as a beacon of hope and the restoration of power that the community had long awaited.

Also, Mr. Ajade Adeoti, the Secretary of the Odoragushin Youth Organization, discussed the challenges faced by the community in securing a functioning transformer. He revealed that Prince Odutuga’s intervention came at a critical moment when the community had written numerous letters to lawmakers, both in Lagos and Abuja, with no success. The donation of new 500 kVA and 300 kVA transformers will significantly improve the quality of life in the Odoragushin Kingdom, transitioning it from darkness to light.

Comrade Babatunde Ismail, a member of the Community Development Association (CDA), recognized the transformative impact the new transformers would bestow on the community’s public power supply. He commended Prince Odutuga for prioritizing the community’s welfare and for empowering its youth, ultimately steering Odoragushin towards a brighter future.

Prince Tomiwa Adenola Odutuga’s selfless and impactful contribution to the Odoragushin Kingdom serves as a shining example of community leadership and philanthropy, offering renewed hope and improved living conditions to its residents.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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