Epe Ogunmodede Club President Urges Unity for Town’s Progress

In a bid to propel growth and development in Epe, kakalistiq.com reports that Barrister Omodele Ibrahim, President of the Epe Ogunmodede Club, has urged indigenes to unite and work collaboratively toward a common goal.

Following his reelection for another term during a meeting at the Epe Ogunmodede Club on Saturday, April 27, 2024, Barrister Omodele emphasized the necessity for unity, particularly in a town as culturally diverse as Epe. He underscored that despite the historical dichotomy between the Ekos and Ijebus within the town, the community must bridge the gap for collective progress, especially beyond political affiliations.

“There have been intermarriages; we have mixed, so why create an unnecessary dichotomy? So, we need to forge a united front to ensure that development does not evade us. So, we are working assiduously towards that because we have found out that on both sides, there are people that share common insights, aims, and knowledge, and to that extent, that should definitely be to the benefit of Epe at large,” he stated.

Highlighting the achievements of the club under his leadership, Barrister Omodele credited the support of the executive members. He cited initiatives such as the revival of bursary scholarship awards, the modernization of the clubhouse, and efforts to position the community as decision-makers akin to the founding fathers of the community. He also emphasized the importance of upholding key institutions like the Olu-Epe stool and the roles of the Grand Chief Imam and the Mogaji Ngeri.

Regarding the club’s thoughts on the newly installed leadership of the Eko-Epe Youth Forum, led by President Comrade Murtala Giwa Moore, Barrister Omodele acknowledged existing issues but advocated for calm and unity. He stressed the importance of instilling good behaviour and respect among the youth, drawing from personal experiences of parental guidance. However, he admonished that despite the enormity of politics in the life of the nation, the youth should jettison the impression that there is a political advantage in the youth leadership of the community.

“Sooner or later, your followers will leave you because you will not meet their expectations. What we want to see is that our youth are much more empowered, more creative, and innovative in what they do, so that they are better prepared for future challenges. People will expect a lot from you because you are in an office, as if there is money stacked somewhere there to pack and give to them,” he said.

Barrister Omodele reiterated his commitment to fostering unity and progress within the community, emphasizing initiatives to address societal issues such as underage pregnancy, immoral obligations, and unemployment. He highlighted the importance of the continuous uplifting of traditional events like Epe Kaokayo and Ojude-Oba and leveraging technology for diaspora engagement.

Reflecting on the current administration led by President Bola Tinubu, Barrister Omodele acknowledged promising prospects but emphasized the need to prioritize security for economic prosperity. “A focus on security is paramount for economic growth,” he concluded.


Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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