From Muddy to Smooth Terrain: Tales of Gratitude Trail Rep. Wale Raji’s Road Project Assessment Tour in Epe.

On the last day of 2023, echoes and tales of gratitude reverberated from enthusiastic residents across the neighborhoods where sparkling new tarred roads were assessed in Epe.

Rep. Wale Raji

In a significant move that signifies yet another turning point for some constituents of the Epe Federal Constituency, reports that Rep. Wale Raji, Member, House of Representatives, embarked on an assessment tour of remarkable tarred roads with drainage on the last day of the year. The significance of such infrastructural upgrading is not lost on the residents, who, for years, endured the consequences of neglect, witnessing their roads deteriorate to an unmotorable state.

Accompanied by his dedicated team, including Otunba Wale Olusesi, Hon. Seriki Stephen, and Osifeko Mark Olaniyi, Rep. Wale Raji received a warm reception from elated residents who sang songs of praise and adulation as he gallantly strolled through Uraka link roads, Babatunde Bakre, and Edatomola Streets. Despite being over 60 years old, the legislator walked freely, exuding vibrancy and energy and engaging with ecstatic constituents.

In his interactions with constituents, the resolve to complete at least one network of roads across all wards in Epe Federal Constituency showcases Rep. Wale Raji’s commitment to all-inclusive and responsive leadership. During the assessment tour, he not only acknowledged the joy and gratitude of the people but also identified areas for further improvement. His pledge to install bumps and streetlights indicates a holistic approach to infrastructural development.

Residents, who once struggled with flooding and bad roads, expressed overwhelming gratitude. To them, Rep. Wale Raji’s intervention has transformed the landscape, with previously flooded streets now tarred and motorable. The impact is palpable, with abandoned houses being reconstructed, compounds cleared of bushes, and a resurgence in real estate activities projected.

The narrative of residents, especially those of Edatomola, gaining access to their homes via canoes and make-shift wooden bridges during the rainy season is now a thing of the past. The miraculous turnaround of once-deserted streets has left many in awe, with some expressing regret that deceased loved ones couldn’t witness the positive transformation.

The lawmaker’s generosity was evident as he doled out funds to residents who painstakingly joined him on the stressful road assessment tour. Even residents from adjoining streets who greened with envy were assured that their turn for development would come. They averred that Rep. Wale Raji’s proactive and community-centric approach has set a new standard for political leadership in Epe Federal Constituency, doubting if anyone could surpass it.

Rep. Wale Raji, his team, and residents on the assessment tour were left in awe as a beautiful, physically challenged woman on Babatunde Bakre Street was wheeled around the newly tarred road, symbolizing not only accessibility but also the promise of a brighter future for the community. “What a fulfilled man he is,” an excited resident muttered, resonating with the hearts of the people and signifying the positive impact of the transformative leadership on the local neighborhood.


Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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