Nawair-Ud-Deen Grammar School Takes Bold Step Towards Model College Status with Groundbreaking Hostel Project reports that Nawair-Ud-Deen Grammar School in Obantoko, Abeokuta, embarked on a transformative journey towards becoming a model college in Ogun State with the groundbreaking ceremony for a new girls’ hostel on March 7, 2023. This significant initiative highlights the critical role of student hostels in attaining a model college status, emphasizing the school’s commitment to academic excellence and student welfare.

The event was graced by Chief (Mrs.) Toyin Jaiye-Daramola, the First Vice President of the Nawair-Ud-Deen Grammar School Old Students Association (NUDGOSA) and Chairman of its New UK branch. The decision of the UK alumni to finance the construction showcases their dedication to supporting their alma mater and fostering its development. This project symbolizes the enduring partnership between the school and its alumni, embodying the tradition of giving back to enhance educational opportunities.

The drive towards model college status signals a paradigm shift in the academic landscape, with the introduction of entrance examinations to ensure that only motivated and academically proficient students gain admission. This selective approach aims to cultivate a student body committed to excellence, thereby raising educational standards within the institution.

Despite economic challenges that led to an increase in the project’s cost estimates from 45 to 65 million, the determination to proceed underscores a collective resolve to secure the school’s future. This steadfast commitment reflects the unwavering dedication of the alumni to leave a lasting impact on their alma mater.

The project has received widespread support, including from the NUDGOSA Abeokuta branch, which is concurrently renovating a building to serve as a modern hostel for male students. These endeavors form part of a broader alumni engagement strategy aimed at enhancing the school’s infrastructure and resources over time.

According to the PRO of NUDGOSA, Mr. Daramola Sanni, the senior and junior school principals have commended these initiatives, recognizing their potential to elevate the school’s status and enhance educational outcomes. By adopting a more selective admissions process, the school anticipates improved administration and a more conducive academic environment.

As Nawair-Ud-Deen Grammar School advances towards model college status, the support and contributions of its alumni play a crucial role in realizing this vision. This collaborative effort not only enriches the educational experience for current and future students but also sets a precedent for alumni involvement in educational development initiatives across the state and beyond.


Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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