Epe’s Journey to Sustainable Energy: Ikeja Electric, NYCN’s Landmark Meeting Sparks Hope.

In a landmark meeting held on Tuesday, March 5th, 2024, between the leadership of the National Youth Council of Nigeria’s (NYCN) Epe branch and the management of Ikeja Electricity, Kakalistiq.com reports that significant progress was made towards addressing Epe’s electricity challenges.

The meeting, held at the Ikeja Electric office in Epe, highlighted various challenges and proposed collaborative solutions to enhance the electricity infrastructure and services in the region.

Among the key highlights of the meeting was the announcement of approval for land space by Epe Local Government Chairman, Princess Surah Animashaun, for an off-grid solar power project. The Head of the Business Unit, Ikeja Electric, Epe branch, Mr. Victor, announced that the project is being sponsored by the UK Government.

He revealed that Princess Surah Animashaun has approved the use of land space at Oke-Oyinbo for the project. This initiative, aimed at providing an uninterrupted power supply for 21 hours, signifies a significant step towards addressing Epe’s electricity challenges and fostering sustainable energy solutions.

During the meeting, discussions revolved around various issues affecting electricity supply and distribution in Epe. Mr. Victor addressed concerns regarding poor power supply, attributing the intermittent outages to faults in electrical feeders and incidents of cable theft. He assured stakeholders of Ikeja Electric’s commitment to resolving these issues and ensuring a more reliable electricity supply for the community.

The distribution formula for electricity generated from Ikorodu was also discussed, with a focus on equitable distribution to key areas in Epe. Efforts were made to address challenges such as colliding with electricity poles and hazardous practices like burning waste under power lines, which disrupt the electricity supply and pose safety risks. Mr. Victor pledged to implement measures to mitigate these challenges and improve service delivery.

Updates on ongoing projects, including the Agric 33 kVA line project and the installation of transformers in various areas, were provided. The NYCN Epe expressed eagerness for the rollout of prepaid meters, which would promote transparency and fair billing practices. Mr. Victor assured stakeholders that preparations for the rollout are underway, with arrangements for part payments to facilitate accessibility.

The meeting also addressed concerns about high electricity bills and illegal connections in certain areas of Epe. Mr. Victor committed to reviewing billing for January and February 2024 and assured stakeholders of adjustments where necessary. Efforts to combat illegal connections through community engagement and collaboration with local leaders were emphasized.

The relocation of equipment for the Omotosho Power Plant project to its permanent site in Molajoye, Epe, was discussed, highlighting the importance of expediting the process to enhance power supply in the region. Representatives from the NYCN Epe, led by Comrade Moibi Ibrahim, Ikeja Electric, and notable community leaders, expressed a strong commitment to working collaboratively toward improving Epe’s electricity supply.

The meeting concluded with a consensus on the need for concerted efforts to address electricity challenges in Epe, underscoring the importance of collaboration between stakeholders and the community. As Epe continues its journey towards sustainable energy, initiatives like the Off-Grid Solar Power Plant project and ongoing collaborative efforts hold promise for a brighter future.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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