Epe Youths Lead the Charge in Transformative World Ocean Day Advocacy Program and Clean-up Exercise, Themed “Planet Ocean: Tides Are Changing”

AĀ groupĀ ofĀ EpeĀ youths,Ā theĀ LagosĀ StateĀ YouthĀ Ambassadors,Ā EpeĀ Division,Ā haveĀ seizedĀ theĀ helmĀ ofĀ anĀ incredibleĀ WorldĀ OceanĀ DayĀ advocacyĀ campaignĀ andĀ clean-upĀ effortĀ inĀ aĀ captivatingĀ demonstrationĀ ofĀ unrelentingĀ dedicationĀ andĀ profoundĀ environmentalĀ conscience. UnderĀ theĀ enthrallingĀ themeĀ ofĀ theĀ UnitedĀ Nations,Ā “PlanetĀ Ocean:Ā TidesĀ AreĀ Shifting,”Ā theseĀ innovativeĀ youngĀ leadersĀ areĀ preparedĀ toĀ unleashĀ aĀ tidalĀ waveĀ ofĀ transformation,Ā uncoveringĀ theĀ hugeĀ tourismĀ potentialĀ thatĀ liesĀ withinĀ theirĀ underwaterĀ haven. OnĀ ThursdayĀ 8thĀ JuneĀ 2023,Ā KakalistiqĀ mediaĀ witnessedĀ firsthandĀ theĀ awe-inspiringĀ powerĀ ofĀ theĀ youngstersĀ andĀ theĀ wonderfulĀ futureĀ theyĀ areĀ makingĀ forĀ theirĀ townĀ andĀ theĀ globeĀ throughĀ theĀ trailblazingĀ projectĀ atĀ theĀ culturallyĀ significantĀ EpeĀ MarinaĀ waterfrontĀ stretch. Ambassador Giwa Omotomiwa, Team Lead of the Epe Division of the Lagos State Youth Ambassadors, spoke with…

Swedish Officials Withdraw from Hosting Sex Championship, disappointing

TheĀ SwedenĀ SportsĀ ConfederationĀ hasĀ refutedĀ mediaĀ rumorsĀ thatĀ itĀ willĀ conductĀ aĀ first-everĀ sexĀ competitionĀ thatĀ willĀ startĀ todayĀ (Thursday). OnĀ Monday,Ā aĀ numberĀ ofĀ newsĀ sourcesĀ coveredĀ theĀ news’Ā specifics,Ā whichĀ wereĀ firstĀ reportedĀ onĀ Twitter. However, Anna Setzman, spokesperson for the Swedish Sports Confederation, said in a written statement submitted to DW News,…