Epe Youths, Lagos Agency Empower Communities through Skill Acquisition Sensitization Campaign.

Kakalistiq.com reports that the League of Epe Youths and Students Association (LEYOSA), led by Comrade Kadri Abiola, in collaboration with the Lagos State Agency for Mass Education and the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), successfully concluded a three-week door-to-door sensitization on skill acquisition across Epe Division.

Comrade Kadri Abiola adressing a youth

The initiative, held over three consecutive Saturdays on May 13, 20, and 23, spanned the five local governments and local council development areas within Epe Division, including Epe Central, Eredo, Ikosi-Ejirin, Ibeju Lekki, and Lekki.

Mrs Olubanjo sensitizing a market woman

Mrs. Olubanjo, Coordinator of the Lagos State Agency for Mass Education, Epe Division, lauded the exercise’s significance during an interview, emphasizing that vocational training presents an additional advantage to academic pursuits. She highlighted the liberation it provides in addressing socioeconomic challenges, underscoring its vital role in empowering individuals and fostering self-reliance.

The sensitization team with the Abowa of Agbowa Kingdom, HRM Oba Owolabi Momson.

This sensitization campaign is crucial to addressing socioeconomic challenges and providing alternative avenues for self-sustainability. Vocational training offers liberation from traditional academic pursuits and equips individuals with practical skills to navigate the job market effectively,” she said.

The participation of NYCN Coordinators from the Epe Division, including Comrade Ogunbanwo Ibrahim, Comrade Adekunle Oluwaseyi, and Comrade Moibi Ibrahim, alongside other stakeholders such as NAILS President Odubote Mopelola and representatives from the Lagos State Youth Parliament, demonstrated a united effort in promoting skill acquisition and entrepreneurship.

Comrade Kadri Abiola, the convener of the sensitization exercise, while appreciating stakeholders and partners for their invaluable support, shared the inspiration behind the program, citing the socioeconomic realities of the country and the dearth of white-collar job opportunities. He highlighted the challenges faced in executing the exercise but emphasized its critical benefit in boosting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) within the Division.

“The inspiration behind this program stems from the socioeconomic challenges facing our nation, particularly the scarcity of white-collar jobs. This initiative aims to address youth unemployment and deter involvement in social vices through skill acquisition. Despite the challenges encountered, it serves as a reminder of the necessity for vocational training and the critical role it plays in boosting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) within the division,” he said.

Echoing sentiments, Comrade Ladele Ismail Oluwaseyi, SSA on Special Duties and Wealth Creation, Epe Local Government, emphasized, “It’s imperative to continually educate the populace on the importance of exploring wealth creation options beyond conventional employment. This campaign serves as a vital platform for enlightenment and empowerment.”

The collaborative efforts of stakeholders in the door-to-door sensitization on skill acquisition reflect a collective commitment to empowering the youth and promoting economic development within the Epe Division. The initiative catalyzes fostering entrepreneurship and self-reliance, laying the foundation for sustainable growth and prosperity in the community.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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