NCC Director-General Outlines Strategies to Combat Digital Piracy

In a move to address the rising challenges of digital piracy and enhance online content management, reports that Dr. John Asein, the Director-General of the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC), unveiled strategic plans during a one-day workshop held in Lagos on Thursday, December 14th, 2023. The workshop aimed to share experiences and formulate effective strategies to tackle the complexities of online content management.

During the workshop, Dr. Asein emphasized the commitment of the Federal Government to create a conducive environment for the digital economy to flourish, promote wealth creation, and contribute to national development. He highlighted the significance of the newly signed Copyright Act of 2022, which focuses on protecting intellectual property rights, facilitating access to creative works, meeting international copyright obligations, and strengthening the NCC’s capacity for regulation and enforcement.

The Director-General stated that, recognizing the evolving digital landscape, the NCC has engaged with various stakeholders to develop regulatory frameworks for the Act’s implementation. The workshop aimed to address the delicate balance between content creators’ rights and the responsibilities of service providers in combating online piracy.

“This workshop would focus on the delicate balance between the rights of content creators and the responsibilities of service providers in tackling the menace of piracy online. The advent of digital technology has challenged traditional copyright paradigms. More than ever before, creative content, which is the oxygen without which digital technology would be unattractive, is being threatened by different forms of abuse, he said.

Mrs. Sandra Oyewole, discussing the protection of digital content under the Copyright Act 2022, emphasized the elaborate provisions within the Act to safeguard copyright content online.

Mr. Frikkie Jonker, Anti-piracy Director at Iredo, highlighted the severe threats posed by online piracy to the creative industry, national security, and critical infrastructure.

Mr. Obi Ezielo, Director of Operations at NCC, focused on the challenges of enforcing the law against online piracy, outlining proactive steps, and establishing a Special Online Investigation Unit. Ezielo emphasized the need for collaboration with relevant agencies and the need to control devices designed to circumvent technological protection measures.

Internet service providers and Back Bone internet providers at the workshop pledged support for NCC in the fight against online piracy. They suggested increased enlightenment programs to raise public awareness about avoiding pirate websites. Government agencies such as the EFCC and NITDA also attended, reaffirming their commitment to combating online piracy.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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