Epe Division Lagos State Youth Ambassador Team Lead Calls for Youth Involvement in Road Safety Advocacy

With a focus on saving lives and safeguarding properties due to the surge in traffic on the Epe/Ajah expressway, the Team Lead, Lagos State Youth Ambassadors, Epe Division, Ambassador Giwa Omotomiwa, has called on stakeholders in Epe to as a matter of urgency begin to sensitize drivers and passengers about safe road usage.

In an interview with Kakalistiq.com, she emphasized the need for youths to actively contribute to national development through road safety advocacy. Ambassador Omotomiwa disclosed that she spearheaded a powerful initiative with her team in partnership with Suave Recordz in support of road safety advocacy.

Ambassador Omotomiwa emphasized the importance of saving lives and properties by promoting road safety awareness, particularly at a time when the Ibeju/Lekki, Eleko-Epe-Ajah axis experiences a significant increase in population and motor traffic due to ongoing industrialization.

Recognizing the possible consequences of heavy traffic and congestion that occurs while traveling on the Epe/Ajah expressway, she revealed that her team took action on June 26th and 27th, 2023 before the Eid-il-Adha celebration.

She added that they visited major motor parks in the Epe division to sensitize both drivers and passengers on the safe use of roads, not only during the Eid period but also on a continuous basis.

According to her, the motor parks that were sensitized as part of the campaign include; Epe – Aiyetoro Parks, Eredo-Pobo Parks, and Ibeju Lekki-Eleko junction parks.

“The initiative, proudly sponsored by Suave Recordz & Muzik, aimed to engage drivers in thought-provoking conversations and address their concerns about the condition of some roads, which can contribute to accidents”

“However, it was discovered that accidents can occur even on well-maintained roads if the driver drives recklessly. Therefore, the primary focus was to remind drivers of the importance of responsible driving, prioritizing their own lives and road users”

“Passengers were also an integral part of the sensitization campaign. They were educated on their role in ensuring safe journeys by cautioning drivers when their behavior becomes reckless. Additionally, passengers were encouraged to check the condition of vehicles before boarding and advised against using unauthorized vehicles, as there is a heightened risk of criminal activities during the festive season,” she said.

To further reinforce the message of road safety, she disclosed that descriptive pamphlets and safety precaution banners were provided to the motor parks. These materials, she said, were strategically erected at locations where all drivers could easily see them before embarking on their trips. “The hope is that these reminders will help reshape the mindset of drivers and reinforce safe practices on the roads,” she added.

Ambassador Giwa Omotomiwa expressed confidence that if this type of sensitization continues at every major park in Epe and Lagos at large, it will contribute to the safe return of drivers and other road users after each trip. By actively involving youth in road safety advocacy, lives can be saved, and accidents minimized during festive periods and beyond.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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