Preserving Royal Legacy: Oloja of Lagos Calls for Unity, Unveils Grand Plan at King Kosoko’s 152nd Remembrance.

In a bid to uphold the rich history and heritage of the esteemed Kosoko dynasty, reports that the Oloja of Lagos, Prince Abiola Olojo-Kosoko, has urged the towns and communities under the jurisdiction of King Kosoko to unite and preserve their ancestral legacy. Unveiling plans for educational and cultural advancement, the call for unity was made on Sunday, April 21st, 2024 during the solemn commemoration of the 152nd remembrance of the late revered King Kosoko of Lagos, who reigned from 1845 to 1851.

Addressing a gathering of royals, chiefs, and local leaders, including the Olu-Epe of Epe kingdom and the Onito-Omu of Ito-Omu kingdom, the Oloja of Lagos underscored the importance of honouring the memory of King Kosoko and safeguarding the traditions and values he stood for.

Looking ahead, HRM Olojo Kosoko unveiled plans for “The Return 1862” festival, scheduled for September, which will feature lectures, exhibitions, and cultural performances. He announced the groundbreaking ceremony for the King Kosoko Royal Institute for African Tradition and Cultural Values University, signalling a commitment to advancing cultural education and heritage preservation.

Representative of the Serikin Fulani of Lagos III, Dr. Muhammed Banbado

“In September, all towns under King Kosoko’s authority will send a representative to join the Lagos State-government-registered “The Return 1862″ festival. It’s going to be outdoors. We’ll have a lecture at Glover Hall showcasing our rich history with evidence-based documents and facts. We aim to publish it with an ISBN for authenticity. Also, in September, we’ll embark on the groundbreaking of the government-backed King Kosoko Royal Institute for African Tradition and Cultural Values University. The land for the construction of the university is ready,” HRM Olojo Kosoko said.

Expressing gratitude for the esteemed guests’ presence, the Oloja of Lagos led prayers for the departed king and emphasized the ongoing efforts to restore the glory of the Kosoko dynasty. He highlighted the meticulous documentation of King Kosoko’s life and achievements, both in written and oral forms, serving as a beacon of inspiration for future generations.

Alhaja Chief Ashabi Alli-Balogun, the Olori-Ebi (Family Head) of the Kosoko Dynasty

“We are not here to compete; we are the model for competition. Whoever doesn’t recognize us doesn’t recognize Lagos, because we are the real Lagosians,” stated HRM Olojo Kosoko, emphasizing the historical significance of the Kosoko lineage and its integral role in shaping the identity of Lagos. He invited attendees to explore the newly established museum, showcasing artefacts and documents that underscore the dynasty’s illustrious history.

Echoing the sentiments of unity and cultural pride, HRM Oba Taiwo Gbadamosi, the Onito-Omu of Ito-Omu, reflected on King Kosoko’s transformative legacy in Lagos state. He highlighted the enduring worship of the Olomu deity and urged continued support for the Obaship of Baale Olanrewaju of Oriba, underscoring the importance of communal solidarity within the Kosoko dynasty.

HRM Oba Taiwo Gbadamosi

“The Whites used to call our town Ito-Omu Creek, but it was King Kosoko who changed it to Ito-Olumu after finding the Olomu deity. That’s where it all began, and we still worship the Olomu deity to this day. The influence of Olomu extended to the Ladaba boundary. We’re not Ijebus; the impact that King Kosoko had in places like Ito-Omu, Oriba, Ibon, Mayunre, down to Badore, and others is significant. Even where he couldn’t stay, he left his mark of authority,” Alaiyeluwa stated.

The event, graced by esteemed dignitaries and community leaders, served as a significant tribute to King Kosoko’s enduring legacy and the unwavering commitment to preserving Lagos’s cultural heritage for generations to come.


Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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