Tragic Loss at Epe Get-Together: Epe NYCN Extends Condolences, Calls for Justice for the Deceased.

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), Epe Branch, expresses profound sorrow as it mourns the untimely passing of Mr. Nujeem Shuaibu Bolade during a lively get-together party held in the Erepoto community.

The incident, which occurred on Saturday, July 1st, 2023, has left the entire community in shock and mourning.

Amb. Comr. Ladele Ismail, the Coordinator of NYCN, Epe branch, voiced his sentiments, stating, “It is with a heavy heart and great discomfort that I write on behalf of the NYCN, Epe Branch, to commiserate with the family, friends, and loved ones of the late Nujeem Shuaibu Bolade. This tragic event has left us devastated, and our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this irreparable loss.”

The point at which the deceased’s body got pierced with bullets.

Kakalistiq media reports that the unfortunate incident unfolded due to the unprofessional conduct and misuse of a firearm by local security personnel belonging to the OPC (Oodua People’s Congress) present at the event.

The individual, whose identity has not been disclosed, opened fire within the crowd, causing Mr. Nujeem’s life to be tragically cut short. Despite immediate efforts to save his life, the outcome proved devastating, with all attempts proving futile.

Amb. Comr. Ladele Ismail expressed gratitude to the security operatives, particularly the Police, for their swift response in apprehending the culprits and initiating an investigation into the incident. Additionally, he extended his appreciation to the Epe Local Government chairman for her timely intervention in seeking a resolution amidst this tragic event.

However, the NYCN Coordinator emphasized the need for justice and accountability, urging representatives and assembly members who serve the Epe Constituency at both federal and state levels to intervene on the matter.

He stated, “We call upon our elected officials to stand by us in seeking justice for Nujeem’s family and holding those responsible for this senseless act accountable. It is crucial that we address the issue at hand and ensure that such incidents do not recur within our community.”

Amb. Comr. Ladele Ismail further expressed admiration for the resilience and peaceful conduct exhibited by the youth, as well as the grieving family and friends of the deceased. He commended their dignified approach to expressing their grievances and plights, emphasizing that the NYCN stands united with them during this challenging time.

The NYCN Coordinator, therefore, called for temporary suspension of firearms among local security operatives, including OPC and IBILE, pending the establishment of new directives governing their responsible use. Amb. Comr. Ladele Ismail affirmed, “We must prioritize the safety and well-being of our community members and ensure that every life is protected.”

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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