Age-Defying Roalty: Olu-Epe of Epe Kingdom Takes the Kingdom by Storm on Exhilarating Royal Visit.

In a spectacle that left onlookers in awe, the illustrious 85-year-old monarch, His Royal Majesty Oba Dr. Shefiu Adewale, Bamgbopa Eshilokun I, the Olu-Epe of Epe Kingdom, embarked on a resplendent and tiring royal visit, igniting the spirit of camaraderie during the Epe Kayokayo 2023 celebrations.

Amidst an uproar of melodies, thunderous drumbeats, and a dazzling display of fanfare, reports that the venerable Olu-Epe set forth on an epic journey to solidify the bonds that united his kingdom.

With his radiant queen, Olori Aribike Adewale, by his side, he was joined by distinguished guests, including the Oloja-Elect of Lagos, HRH Oba Abiola Olojo Kosoko, and his elegant spouse, Olori Shola Kosoko. Alongside them was the esteemed Olu-Epe in Council, honorary chiefs, and the passionate sons and daughters of the Epe Kingdom, ready to celebrate the timeless legacy of their forefathers.

The streets came alive as the royal procession embarked on its enchanting voyage, weaving its way through the heart of the kingdom. From the regal ward of Isale-Agoro to the majestic locales of Oke-Balogun, Bado-Isale, Bado-Oke, Oke-Iposu/Lagbade, and Oke-Oba/Popo-Oba, the Olu-Epe’s presence illuminated the very essence of Epe.

But what left everyone awestruck was the sheer vigor and vitality of the monarch, whose age seemed but a mere number on this momentous occasion. With an unyielding spirit, he traversed hills and valleys, reliving cherished memories of benevolence from his youth. At every stop, he poured forth gratitude to his extended family, calling upon their undying support to elevate their beloved community to even greater heights.

The Olu-Epe’s visit wasn’t a mere scripted affair but an extraordinary display of spontaneity. As if guided by the hand of destiny, he visited houses that had not witnessed his presence in years past, imparting a personal touch that endeared him further to his people.

Beyond the celebration and festivity, the royal visit was an expression of the kingdom’s profound spirituality. Led by the revered Grand Chief Imam of Epe Division, Sheikh AbdulRahmon Abiola Sadala, the Ulamas orchestrated poignant prayer sessions. Together, they paid homage to the legacy of past kings, beseeching the divine for unyielding prosperity and blessings upon the entire community.

As dusk settled upon the horizon, the Olu-Epe’s radiance showed no signs of dimming. His resilience and unwavering commitment to his people resonated with all, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those present. The Epe Kayokayo 2023 celebrations may fade into memory, but the echoes of this extraordinary royal visit will reverberate throughout the kingdom for generations to come.

His Royal Majesty Oba Dr. Shefiu Adewale, Bamgbopa Eshilokun I, the Olu-Epe of Epe Kingdom, has once again proven that age is but a fleeting concept when duty calls. His undying spirit of service and dedication to his kingdom stand as an inspiration, a testament to the timelessness of royalty and the unbreakable bond between a monarch and his people. Long live the Olu-Epe

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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