Independent Panel Vindicates Efudu Royal Family as Authentic Owners of Ayegbami Land in Poka.

In a groundbreaking revelation, reports that an independent investigative panel set up by the Alade Uraka of Poka Land, EredoLCDA, Epe Division, Lagos State, Oba Dr. Kolawole Aliru, has officially confirmed the rightful ownership of Ayegbami land in Poka. The panel’s exhaustive investigations and inquiries have overwhelmingly supported the claim that the land belongs to Oluseeto Efudu’s descendant royal family of Poka.

The independent panel delved into an extensive and detailed investigation to ascertain the true ownership of Ayegbami land. The findings are as follows:

  1. Historical Evidence: The committee’s meticulous research revealed that Ayegbami village has existed since the 14th century. The history gathered supports the claim that Efudu Jada founded Ayegbami in the early 14th century.
  2. Erroneous Beliefs of Fidipote: The investigations exposed erroneous beliefs held by the acclaimed Fidipote people, who had claimed ownership of Ayegbami land. These claims were not substantiated by any historical or ancestral evidence within the Poka kingdom.
  3. Rahimi Tanimeda’s Background: The panel established that Rahimi Tanimeda, who came from Ijebu-Ode to Poka in 1931, had no connection to the Fidipote family’s background within the Poka kingdom.
  4. Cognizance of Non-Appearance: The panel acknowledged the non-appearance of the Fidipote family during key meetings, which were slated to discuss the matter extensively. Despite stringent warnings, their absence was noted, leading to the belief that their Fidipote history in Poka lacked credibility.
  5. Inconsistent Statements: The committee noted inconsistent statements made by the Fidipote family, including contradictory claims about Ayegbami’s ownership. They initially acknowledged it as Poka land but later attempted to distance it from Poka, asserting it fell within the Eredo L.C.D.A.

After extensive investigations, inquiries, and the gathering of supporting evidence and testimonies, the independent panel reached a unanimous verdict. It is conclusively and fairly established in the report that Ayegbami land rightfully belongs to Oluseeto Efudu’s descendant royal family of the Poka Kingdom.

The panel recommended that the findings be submitted to the entire Council of Chiefs of Alade Uraka, Poka Kingdom, for their endorsement and confirmation. This endorsement would solidify the ownership of Ayegbami land by Oluseeto Efudu’s descendant royal family.

This momentous revelation vindicates the Efudu royal family as the authentic owners of Ayegbami land in Poka. The comprehensive investigation has settled a longstanding dispute and confirmed the rightful ownership of the land. This development paves the way for a more stable and harmonious future for the Poka community.

It is noteworthy that the Alade Uraka Council of Chiefs in Poka Kingdom, under the directive of HRM Oba Ayodele Kolawole Aliru, conducted an investigation aimed at ensuring transparency and uncovering the truth concerning a Baaleship installation in the town. Approximately two years ago, before the planning of Oba Ayodele Kolawole Aliru’s 10th coronation anniversary, Alaiyeluwa expressed his intention to install Baales in various villages within Poka Kingdom. This initiative was proposed to enhance the growth and development of the town and was widely supported by the Council of Chiefs.

The process involved the Seven Ancestral Quarters in Poka Kingdom presenting suitable candidates for the Baaleship. A screening committee was constituted to rigorously assess these candidates, headed by High Chief Waheed Ogunkoya, the Balogun of Poka Kingdom, with Chief S.O. Opedare as the secretary for the screening. Several villages submitted applications for the baaleship, including the Araga family, the Ikosan family, the Togunbore family, the Dendenren royal family (Janagu), and the Oluseeto Efudu royal family, which included Ayegbami Village from Magbo Quarters.

The investigation report revealed that all the candidates were screened, and most of them met the requirements. Following the successful screening, they were prepared for coronation and installation. However, a week after the Baales’ installation, Chief Tosin Oluwadaisi Payinegba of the Fidipote Family from Ijebu-Ode contested the installation of a Baale in Ayegbami Village. He claimed that his family were the rightful owners of the village.

Chief Tosin Payinegba was subsequently invited by HRM Oba Ayodele Kolawole Aliru to appear before the Alade Uraka Council of Chiefs for further discussion. During the meeting, Chief Tosin Payinegba reiterated his family’s ownership of the land, citing an ongoing case in the Epe High Court. The Oluseeto Efudu Royal Family countered this claim by providing a historical account of Ayegbami Village’s establishment in the 14th century, highlighting that the ongoing legal matter was related to land ownership and not Baaleship coronation. The installation of the Baale of Ayegbami was consequently suspended until after the 10th Coronation Anniversary.

Following the investigation, it was discovered that the land in dispute belongs to the Oluseeto Efudu family. HRM Oba Ayodele Kolawole Aliru, who had vowed to complete the installation rites for the Baale of Ayegbami, which was earlier suspended, honored his pact. This investigation was a pivotal step in resolving the issue and promoting transparency and fairness in the community.

The report has it that during the interrogative session between the Fidipote Family and the Alade Uraka Council of Chiefs, the Chairman of the Committee on Land Matters, High Chief Waheed Ogunkoya (Balogun of Poka Kingdom), played a pivotal role in seeking clarity. High Chief Ogunkoya, in his capacity as the Chairman of the Committee, posed a series of critical questions to Chief Tosin Oluwadaisi Payinegba, the spokesperson for the Fidipote family. The questions were designed to shed light on the history and background of their claim to Ayegbami (Aye) village ownership and the families with whom they shared boundaries.

In response, Chief Payinegba conveyed that his family asserted ownership of Aye Village, attributing its founding to King Fidipote, who, according to their account, sought refuge in Aye Point after eloping from an Egba war. This historical narrative states that King Fidipote, in his exile, eventually joined Tanimeda and wed his female daughter Taiwo to Tanimeda. Subsequently, the King returned to Idewon in Ijebu-Ode. Chief Payinegba also mentioned that their family shared boundaries with the late Ese and late Agbede, along with neighboring villages such as Ijako, Oke Osho, Igbodu, and Odo-Gbawojo town.

Upon further inquiry regarding their family’s connections within Poka, Chief Payinegba acknowledged a relationship with the late Chief Felix Rahimi, known as Aye, within the Igodo quarters of Poka. Nevertheless, when asked to elaborate on their family’s broader ties within the community, Chief Payinegba deferred to address those questions at a later meeting. The panel, led by Chief Waheed Ogunkoya, subsequently adjourned the session, signaling a continuation of the discussions between the two families.

During the interrogative session held on February 18, 2023, between the Oluseeto Efudu Descendant Family and the Alade Uraka Council of Chiefs, significant details were disclosed. High Chief Waheed Ogunkoya, the Balogun of Poka Kingdom and the Chairman of the Committee on Land Matters, led the proceedings. Representatives from the Oluseeto Efudu family, including Chief Apanishile Adekunle, Chief Yekinni Ayege, Chief Lekan Odukogbe, Chief Rasag Ogunsanwo, Mrs. Ogunkoya Ramota, Mrs. Safuri Olufowobi, Madam Odusami, Mrs. Adebisi Olaitan, Mr. Sharafadeen Shamusi, and Mr. Dada Adeshina Moshood,

During the session, the committee chairman inquired about the history and background of the Oluseeto Efudu family. Chief Rasaq Ogunsanwo took the lead and provided an account of the family’s history, revealing that Ayegbami was founded by Efudu Jada. Efudu’s journey from Iseyin to Ile-Ife, and subsequently to Poka, was narrated. The boundaries and neighbors of the Ayegbami village were also discussed, with a list of nearby villages and family names shared. He highlighted that the Oluseeto Efudu family belongs to the Magbo Quarters in Poka Kingdom.

The second speaker, Chief Lekan Kayode Odukogbe, further elaborated on the boundaries of the Ayegbami village, clarifying that it was founded by Efudu Jada. The boundaries and neighbors of Ayegbami were identified, emphasizing that Ayegbami was in existence before Fidipote’s arrival in the 18th century.

The committee meeting was adjourned to the following day, February 19, 2023, where both the Oluseeto Efudu Descendant Family and the Fidipote Family would be present for further discussions on the land ownership matter. During this session, the Fidipote family was allowed to present their perspective, and Chief Tosin Oluwadaisi Payinegba served as their spokesperson. In the subsequent meeting, Chief Payinegba explained their claims to the Ayegbami village and their historical background.

During the interrogative session held on February 18, 2023, between the Oluseeto Efudu Descendant Family and the Alade Uraka Council of Chiefs, significant details were disclosed. High Chief Waheed Ogunkoya, the Balogun of Poka Kingdom and the Chairman of the Committee on Land Matters, led the proceedings. Representatives from the Oluseeto Efudu family, including Chief Apanishile Adekunle, Chief Yekinni Ayege, Chief Lekan Odukogbe, Chief Rasag Ogunsanwo, Mrs. Ogunkoya Ramota, Mrs. Safuri Olufowobi, Madam Odusami, Mrs. Adebisi Olaitan, Mr. Sharafadeen Shamusi, and Mr. Dada Adeshina Moshood, were present.

During the session, the committee chairman inquired about the history and background of the Oluseeto Efudu family. Chief Rasaq Ogunsanwo took the lead and provided an account of the family’s history, revealing that Ayegbami was founded by Efudu Jada. Efudu’s journey from Iseyin to Ile-Ife, and subsequently to Poka, was narrated. The boundaries and neighbors of the Ayegbami village were also discussed, with a list of nearby villages and family names shared. He highlighted that the Oluseeto Efudu family belongs to the Magbo Quarters in Poka Kingdom.

The second speaker, Chief Lekan Kayode Odukogbe, further elaborated on the boundaries of the Ayegbami village, clarifying that it was founded by Efudu Jada. The boundaries and neighbors of Ayegbami were identified, emphasizing that Ayegbami was in existence before Fidipote’s arrival in the 18th century.

The committee meeting was adjourned to the following day, February 19, 2023, where both the Oluseeto Efudu Descendant Family and the Fidipote Family would be present for further discussions on the land ownership matter. During this session, the Fidipote family was allowed to present their perspective, and Chief Tosin Oluwadaisi Payinegba served as their spokesperson. In the subsequent meeting, Chief Payinegba explained their claims to the Ayegbami village and their historical background.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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