Rep. Wale Raji and APC Titans Unveil Transformative Projects During Epe Constituency Tour

In an extraordinary display of commitment to their constituents, reports that Rep. Wale Raji, accompanied by influential members of the All Progressive Congress (APC), embarked on a tour of groundbreaking projects poised to revolutionize the lives of the people within the Epe Federal Constituency.

Rep. Wale Raji

The momentous event unfolded on Saturday, September 30, 2023, as Rep. Wale Raji and a contingent of APC luminaries conducted a comprehensive inspection of an array of projects set to elevate the living standards of the people across the Epe Federal Constituency.

They include Alhaji Akanni Seriki (Bamu), the Epe Divisional Leader and Governors Advisory Council (GAC) member of the Lagos State All Progressive Congress (APC); Hon. Wasiu Odeyemi (Wastab), Epe Constituency II party stalwart; and Hon. Kehinde Adeniyi, the state APC Welfare Officer. Others are Otunba Nuru, Hon. Seriki, Hon. Mark Osifeko, Otunba Olusesi, the contractors, and other party-faithful.

The tour encompassed a diverse spectrum of completed and ongoing initiatives, each bearing the promise of substantial positive impact. Among these remarkable undertakings are the meticulously constructed roads and drainage systems at Babatunde Bakare and Tomola Streets in Alrisku, breathing new life into local infrastructure.

Ayetoro Market, a hub of economic activity, saw both opened and locked-up shops receive attention, affirming the commitment to boost local commerce. The ongoing construction of a network of roads and the establishment of a mini stadium at the prestigious Epe Grammar School, the leading secondary institution of learning in the Epe Division, were also in the spotlight, ushering in exciting prospects for youth development and sports enthusiasts.

Numerous other initiatives were unveiled during this momentous tour, including the completed Primary Health Centre (PHC) at Iraye, modern shops at the Mojoda market, and the expansion of network roads at Uraka and Kula-Nla. Furthermore, the Itoikin market, Skills Acquisition Centre in Ilara-Epe, and ongoing work on the recreational center at Agbowa and the LASU road were a testament to the unyielding commitment to comprehensive development.

Rep. Wale Raji, who has been reelected for an unprecedented third term in the National Assembly, spoke passionately about the significance of these projects. He stated, “Apart from my legislative duties, it is my duty to intervene across various sectors of our constituency to accelerate development for our people.”

He expressed his gratitude to the people of Epe for their unwavering support and the opportunity to represent them once more, emphasizing his commitment to delivering on his promises. “Today, we are witnessing the fulfillment of those promises. My primary focus is to drive grassroots economic development, enabling our people to flourish in their diverse endeavors.”

Raji further elaborated on the projects’ objectives, saying, “Our ongoing initiatives in Itoikin, Mojoda, and Ayetoro, our heritage markets, are designed to invigorate our local economies. Additionally, our investments in education, such as founding schools in communities like Temu and rehabilitating existing ones in Ise, reflect our dedication to accessible education for all.”

He concluded with an unwavering promise, “The multitude of road projects in Iraye, Kula Nla, and beyond attest to the potential of grassroots development. Epe deserves more, and with the Grace of Allah, I will ensure our promises are etched into the annals of history.”

The visionary leadership displayed during this transformative tour leaves Epe Federal Constituency poised for a brighter and more prosperous future.

See more photos from the tour:


Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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