Oba Animashaun Commends Nigerian Army’s Magnanimity in Equipping Epe with State-of-the-Art Health Center and Ambulance.

In a remarkable display of goodwill, the Nigerian Army has generously provided the community of Epe with a fully equipped health center and an ambulance, earning widespread praise from His Royal Majesty Oba Kamorudeen Ishola Animashaun, a highly revered traditional ruler of Epe Land.

Under the visionary leadership of Maj.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), the Nigerian Army commissioned several vital projects at the Nigerian Army Ordnance Corps (NAOC), including the accommodation complex of Nigerian Army Ordinance School Officers, the NA Cantonment Jetty in Epe, and the Papa Primary Healthcare Centre.

COAS, Major General TA Lagbaja and the Oloja of Epe Land, HRM Oba Kamorudeen Ishola Animashaun at the commissioning of the health center.

HRM Oba Kamorudeen Animashaun, humbled by the Nigerian Army’s grand gesture, extended his deepest appreciation for their efforts in providing the much-needed health center and ambulance. He assured the Nigerian Army and the Epe community that the facilities would be diligently maintained and put to good use, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes for the people of Epe.

A rear view of the health center

“We will ensure that the facilities are well kept and put to good use by the people of Epe. This facility will be beneficial in improving the health of our people,” Animashaun assured.

Kakalistiq media reports that the Chief Of Army Staff (COAS), Maj.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, appreciated the cordial relationship between the Nigerian Army and the people of Epe, as he commissioned some projects at the Nigerian Army Ordnance Corps (NAOC).

The eight-bedroom Papa Primary Healthcare Centre, constructed as part of the COAS Quick Impact Project Scheme, is set to have an immediate positive impact on the community. Maj.-Gen. Lagbaja emphasized the significance of the strong collaboration between the Epe community and the Nigerian Army in achieving success in their joint task of safeguarding lives and property.

The newly commissioned jetty is expected to alleviate traffic congestion in Lagos, offering troops and their families a convenient means of transportation, particularly for travel to destinations such as Ikorodu, the Island, and Badagry.

The newly constructed jetty

“In our task of safeguarding the lives and property of our citizens, the cooperation and collaboration of the civil populace is highly essential for us to succeed. This project is to further strengthen the existing excellent relations between the Epe Community and the Nigerian Army”

“This cooperation has over time significantly contributed to the successes recorded by the NA and we look forward to an even closer cooperation in the future”

“So, this jetty would be put to good use by the troops and their families especially when they are going to places like Ikorodu, the Island, and even Badagry,” Lagbaja said.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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