Redefining Leadership for Competitiveness: LASUED Holds Special Induction Ceremony

The Lagos State University of Education recently held a special induction ceremony to welcome and honor newly promoted Associate Professors, Directors, Deputy Directors, Deputy Registrars, and Deputy Bursars. The ceremony, titled “Redefining Leadership for Competitiveness in a Global University Community: The New Imperatives and its Implications for the Lagos State University of Education,” took place at the main campus in Oto-Ijanikin on Thursday 15th June 2023.

Kaklistiq media reports that the induction ceremony celebrated the accomplishments of the newly promoted staff and provided valuable insights into leadership, strategic planning, and competitiveness in the global university community.

During the ceremony, Professor Bidemi Bilkis Lafiaji-Okuneye, the Vice-Chancellor, congratulated the inductees on their well-deserved promotions and emphasized the importance of their leadership roles in ensuring the success of the institution. She highlighted that the induction served as a case study on strategic leadership, focusing on strategic planning and organizational competitiveness in the context of globalization.

Professor Lafiaji-Okuneye stressed that a university’s success in a competitive, globalized era depends on its ability to adapt to its changing business environment. She emphasized that effective leadership plays a central role in the university’s efforts to achieve competitiveness and gain an advantage over others. The Vice-Chancellor urged the inductees to carry out their duties with a sense of responsibility, acknowledging that their new positions came with significant responsibilities.

During the ceremony, Professor Laide Adedokun delivered a presentation on “Academic Leadership for Growth and Competitiveness in LASUED,” encouraging the new Associate Professors to engage in problem-solving strategies and identify their roles within their respective areas of specialization. Mr. Lewis Akinwunmi Oladipo, Deputy Registrar, Establishment, LASUED, emphasized the importance of good leadership and mentorship for the new Deputy Registrars.

Mr. Ganiu Adeniyi Ajose, the Bursar, LASUED, reminded the inductees of their responsibility to be exemplary leaders and role models to their subordinates, emphasizing that their new positions were bestowed upon them by God and should not be taken for granted. The Registrar, Mr. Opeoluwa Akinfemiwa, congratulated the newly promoted senior staff and expressed gratitude to the Vice-Chancellor for her dedication and fairness in the promotion exercise. He concluded by offering prayers for wisdom and guidance in their new roles.

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde

Kaka Babatunde is a budding academic researcher and media enthusiast whose experience germinated in high school, attaining the Press Club presidency. As an iconic field reporter for 3 years, he is a writer, serial volunteer, and community cum youth development champion whose collaborative efforts have immensely contributed to nation-building in Epe LGA, Lagos, and Nigeria at large.

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